Monday, November 21, 2011

Crème de la Crème

         Back in the Chaos. Wake up, and get thrown into the shark tank. Work. Life. It's just a test and It's not real. All that matters is to be calm and to expect Hashem to give you everything. That is the only way. Other than that, you have to work on yourself. That's what He wants. A person is the clay and the potter. You must try to be the best person that you can be. You have to work on yourself. That's all that is left to do in this horrid life. After all is said and done, a person's reason for living is to work on himself and nothing else, and Torah is the guiding word. The source of information on what to do. Man in the world and Torah. Hashem watches. Rely on Him for everything.

         What level am I on?

         Living a healthy life. Not bothered by toxic things. Of course the greatest toxin and the most dangerous thing of all is people. People are dangerous. We are brought into this world by dangerous people that lead us to believe that we must be involved in and are capable of constant close communication with anybody and everybody that we see. Nothing could be further from The Truth. We are to be loners that shape ourselves and carefully leave our mark on ourselves and the world.

         Some people don't have a Torah, so they are truly lost. It is saddening and I empathize for them. But WE do not have an excuse. We are fortunate. It is simple in theory. Stay out of trouble. Work on yourself. Don't associate with toxic people. Follow in the Fathers footsteps. Be a great individual. Be smart. Be wise. Be close to Hashem. Let Him protect. Let Him provide. Don't take anybody's abuse. Be free. Be real. Be alive. Only rely on Hashem. Survive. Survive. Survive. Survive. Isolate. Strengthen. Become empowered. Blow off wicked psychopaths. Survive. Beg Hashem. Cry to Hashem.

         It doesn't matter how long it takes. Never give up. Be a winner. Lose the losers. They're called losers because you have to lose them. Just lose them.

         What will happen today? I love that question. It's exciting. We have no idea what will unfold today. Anything can happen. I am in the observers seat. We will see what Hashem has in store for us today. I am assuming the position of observer.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Why do people bother me?
Dont' I have enough problems?

Never willing to help, misguiding and acting indifferently.

People suck.

Thank You.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Tyranny is not love but selfish pride.

Wolf packed death camps sit like ovens stories high, anchored, frothing, watching passers by.
Casting evil eyes.

Living dead gather ritualistically worshiping selfishly with pride.

Most people that I know are gathering up energy to beat each other, and many are doing it in the name of Gd.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I am a sensitive pond. My waters are pure. My face is its own.

Trudging into the bowels of sobriety,
slipping gracefully into the captains chair in the lobbies of our minds,
slides like banana peels slip and slide,
falling repeatedly,
fishing for a find.

Pinned to the wind,
drying on a line,
feeling left behind,
unable to rewind to a time that shined.

Passengers on the second hand race,
one click at a time,
until the end of the line.

Victims of super-hero fly by's and ignorance disguised.

Arsenals of knives, self worship, and lies.


I can't appreciate life or anything good about it when I'm being bothered by people, internally, in a way that digs deep down, and kills me inside.

In order to reach optimum health we have to isolate. These days, with telephones and internet, it's something you have to consciously do. It's way too easy for people to get in touch with you.

When you isolate it doesn't make a difference wether you eat fruits and vegetables, or snickers bars and coca cola. When you isolate, you regain control, reach a balance, and generate massive amounts of health.

Isolation means isolating from people. It all boils down to people. People are scavengers that murder and kill with their jabbering mouths and twisted, demented minds. People are the selfish tyrannical psychopaths, that use and use and use you, until they feel complete. People are hungry toxic black holes.

If you want to experience serene tranquility, peace and beauty and all of the vibrant, healthy joys of life, than remember,.. people will not let you. They will get in your face, and in your space, and mess you up. They'll throw you off and cause deep seeded damage to your soul. Beat them at it. Don't let them do it to you. Be smart about it. Be on guard, and get away from people.

So how do healthy people get healthy? By staying away from people. Eating "healthier" is something that you do when you reach a higher plane. Then you may start tweaking,.. because you can.

Got it?
Get it.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Do I look stupid?

People bs about how to get healthy. Eat this, Drink that.

Any healthy idiot can get up in your face and bs about it.

We see a vibrant gorgeous person and we are foolish enough to believe what he says, because he looks so great. But he's not telling the truth.

We watch and listen and feel terrible, because we can't get there.

He's leaving out is how he got that way.

He focuses on where he is now, and not how he got there.

He says "Look at me! With my water bottle! Eat fruits and veggies! Exercise!"

Sure that's where he is now! But how did he get there?

You know, anybody can be that way, but the truth is not being told, and it's something that we all need to know.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Body before..


         Which came first, the body or the mind? Obviously (as seen in Bereishis) the body. Yet we spend all of our time focussing solely on the mind. How much suffering has resulted from this grave mistake. The body is a marvelous machine that is far beyond anybodies ability to grasp in complexity, on so many levels. We all have one. We are all given one for free as a welcoming gift into life. In the morning we thank Gd for giving back our souls. This is profound. Clearly the body comes before the mind, and the soul. When one mistreats the body, there is a wide ranging catastrophic shut-down. We must utilize all of our facilities to care for the body, and set aside stimulating the mind. Our focus must be on the body if we are ever to posses the power of the mind. A sick body is called "dis-ease-d".

Dis-1 a Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” orhaving a privative, negative, or reversing force ( see de-, un-2 );used freely, especially with these latter senses, as anEnglish formative: disability; disaffirm; disbar; disbelief;discontent; dishearten; dislike; disown.

Ease[eez] noun, verb, eased, eas·ing.
1. freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquilrest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
2. freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude; a quiet stateof mind: to be at ease about one's health.
3. freedom from difficulty or great effort; facility: It can bedone with ease.

         So simple, yet so difficult to master. Our biggest stumbling blocks will always be two things:

One -The people in our environment that distract us and bring us down.
Two - Our own self destructive nature.

         A master is one that knows the truth and carries it out. This is near to impossible when the people around us spend all of their energy trying to beat us instead of trying to help us. So many are very endowed with strength, which they abuse, by killing as many of the people around them as they can. They do it with a loving smile and believably loving emotion. They say they are Saints.

         The word is mightier than the sword my friends. So, get it together. Take control of your life. Don't rely on others. Be as great as you can, must, and are created to be.

Gd bless..

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh yes..

It's all coming back now. The Great cities are all still here. How I have longed to return to you, oh Great Ones. The Great Ones. Yes they are. So beautiful in ways. So graceful. All of the paths are before me once more. Back. Returned to the land of life. After so much grief. I don't know how and I don't know why, but I know Who. It is He that has re-turned the key and handed it to me. He trusts me. He loves me. Is it Luck? What is it? Should anybody know? Should anybody ever know?..

Sunday, May 29, 2011

To my Holy Brother Shmarya..

..We see in Torah, in the holy writings, that our people have failed in practically every generation since our birth.

Number one, Torah is perfect.

Number two, there have been great Jews.

Number three, in this generation they are very hard to find.

Every generation is lower than the last.

In Bereishis 6;5 It says that "every product of the thoughts of mans heart are evil always".

You should get away from bad people and seek out the good ones even if you die trying.

Don't bash good people and group them together with the sinners.

Don't be surprised when large groups of people and brilliant tyrants flourish. That is the way of the world. It's nothing new. Broaden your perspective.

You should not leave something so precious just because many sinners are vying for it as well.

I wish you only the best of the best my beloved Brother. All good things are to come..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


On choosing the lesser of one evil..

Why do my fellow Jews insist on raising more ignorant Jews? This is happening in massive count. They are like sports cars with the wrong oil, racing off road, blindfolded. They are a danger to themselves and to the world at large, totally and utterly retarded. Many are excellent in the skill of translating and practicing Torah albeit without the correct intention. They are selfish, ignorant, scared, bigoted, nasty, frightened, weak, cowardly, dangerous people.

I have attempted to connect with them. I've gone to Shuls and eaten with them. I've been completely exposed to them and been utterly destroyed by them, running into walls of psychotic retardation without end.

Now there's a new dilemma. The group of Jews that has been the most loyal in my experience has a demented monkey on it's back which they are not shaking off, and I don't particularly want a monkey on my back. This nixes yet another disease ridden hopeful, to my disappointment.

I am being called to rise. I am being called to be like my Forefathers. I am being called to struggle uncomfortably. I am being called to be better in a targeted way. This I am doing, and this I will do.

I am not and never again will be..

A fool

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to choose the lesser of one evil

Where am I? Oh my G. I am in danger. I need help. I know Who helps.

Being pulled in so many directions, my energy is distorted.

All I want is regeneration... revivification, and I know that I will never get it if I stay in the line of fire... and., I am, in-the-line of fire.

Memories. Expectations. Dependence. These are my other names. No, I don't have beautiful names like the Greats. Mine are reminders of how low I am.

It's hard to say no. It's hard to have friendships with party tanks. Life sucks, but there's another side to it, one that I'm trying to reach... and can... and will. I do need to be great, but I don't need to be in the company of evil, uncaring, selfish, destructive, egotistical, hateful psychopaths. I need to be great and good.

I am strong. I am blessed. Aren't we all that want to be..?

Good Night